project 52

project 52, week 37

last friday as i was dropping lauren off at preschool, her teacher asked her to pick out a “turkey feather”.  on the desk behind her were large pieces of every color construction paper cut in the shape of a feather.  lauren picked light purple.  her teacher handed the purple feather to me and explained it was for a class project.  each family would contribute a feather to add to the bulletin board turkey for the month of november.  super cute idea.  and we had the weekend to get it done and turned back in.

i had every intention of doing lauren’s turkey feather with her sometime over the weekend.  i really did.

except, we have no printed pictures in this house.  they all exist in my computer, external hard drives, and this blog.  in essence, they exist in thin air.  so that meant i would have to select pictures, edit them, send them off somewhere to get printed, and then go pick them up.

this was already feeling like an impossible task.

and then, the weekend rushed upon us with one kid’s needing gear ready to go to a sleepover party, the garage door getting broken and needing to be repaired, dinner needing to be made, laundry to be done, more food needing to be made because these little people keep insisting on getting hungry every few hours, getting ready for church coming next, scrambling out the door, stumbling back home, throwing lunch on the table, passing out for a sunday afternoon nap, making more food, cleaning up the kitchen, practicing piano, getting ready for bed, tucking in little bodies, sighing with relief, suggesting maybe we turn in early.

and then at 11 o’clock, i gasped.  the turkey feather.  groan.

out went the sweet mother-daughter turkey feather project with an end result of a perfectly imperfect feather made by preschool hands.  in came the hastily thrown together feather made by a tired mama and daddy.  the pictures never did get printed and picked up.  we ended up printing them off our home printer and they look it.

so where am i going with all this?

today, i am thankful for lauren’s sweet daddy who stayed up with me, helped print out pictures, gathered up the things to throw away, and generally just kept me company.

while it wasn’t exactly the “family project” i had in mind, it ended up being a different kind of “family project” altogether, and made for another moment for which to be thankful.

so without further ado, i present to you lauren’s preschool feather.  (it was suggested a theme would be a nice addition)…

it only occurred to me this morning as i was driving her to school that maybe using her birthday party pictures would have made a nice theme for her as well as go better with the purple feather she had picked out.  oh well, it wasn’t like she was around to give any input during this family project.  :p

post-script: her teachers loved her feather!  they were very surprised at her saucy little cheerleader pose.  apparently they are still under the impression that she is a quiet, reserved, polite little girl with not an ounce of sass or spice whatsoever.  ha.

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