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pumpkin party and pumpkin play, oh my!

of course, there was also both of the girls’ school parties that i had to juggle and try to be present for.  it would have worked best if i could’ve split myself into two in order to be in two places at once.  but alas, that wasn’t possible and so the plan had to involve a lot of driving back and forth between the schools.  so much so that even mikey noticed how we spent the better part of the day rushing between schools.

how glad i am that he is home with me because i just don’t know how i’d be able to do three at once.  and then four.  good gravy.

so we started the morning dropping allie off at school first, then driving over to drop lauren off at school, and right after that, the boys and i had to rush back to allie’s school to catch her in her class’ play called “the ugly pumpkin”.  allie played the part of “lauren”.  like that’s not totally confusing.  ha.  there was a big accident on the two-lane road we had to take and so we got stuck for a while.  thankfully, we made it in juuust as the play was starting.  i snapped a couple cell phone pictures.  it was the best i could do while simultaneously trying to keep jonah quiet.

we made it to see our girl in action!  🙂

then we left allie at school and the boys and i stopped to eat donuts to fortify ourselves before driving back over to lauren’s school pumpkin party which started off with a little parade as it did when mikey was here and when allie was here.  i love the continuity.  🙂

mikey was just as excited about the little games this year as he was when he was the preschooler.  love that about him.

“mommy!  i remember these games!  they’re exactly the same ones!”

yup, every game was exactly the same.  except i hope the donuts have since been replaced.  :p

lauren and her teachers.  she loves these ladies!  and i am so thankful for that because typically she is the one who is attached to my side and doesn’t want to do anything besides stay home with me.  so i wasn’t sure how she’d take to going to school three times a week and thought she’d perhaps want to drop out after a week or so.  turns out, she loves preschool and it is due in large part to the warmth and gentleness of these two ladies.  just like her big sis before her, she spends most of her time talking with her teachers instead of playing with her classmates.  she loves them and they seem to love her right back.  and that makes me a happy mama for my number 3.

and then we came back home where i put a very cranky and tired jonah down for a nap, collapsed on the couch, and sighed a happy sigh that we actually survived the crazy day.  until i realized that i forgot to go back to allie’s school in time for her costume parade and class party.  thankfully, she wasn’t sad i missed that part.  she was just glad we made it to see her in the play.  but still…  🙁

i’m thinking i better start looking into that splitting myself in two idea because i have a feeling it’s going to be like this at every school holiday event from here on out for me.

*deep breaths.*

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