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splish splash, revisited

because bath time is one of those tasks that have to get done over and over (like three times a week in this house), i have for you another set of jonah in the bath pictures.  because he loves taking baths.  and because he’s right at the adorably in-between baby and little kid stage where he can do some things like waddle his tiny self up the driveway all by himself but where he can still be scooped up and toted around in my arms easily enough.  and so now bath time doesn’t require as much work as when he was littler and more slippery and less stable on his bottom.  now i get to sit next to him and just watch him enjoy playing in the water with his toys.

i love this stage.

but i already miss the tiny little baby stage too though.  sigh.

the boy loves bath time so much that he can often be found hanging out in the bathroom in the hopes that i’ll be prompted to think that it’s time for another bath.  but like i said, only happens like three times a week around here, so i don’t think that thought too too often.

but nothing gets his attention faster than “hey jonah, wanna take a bath?”  aside from maybe “hey jonah, wanna eat?”  he’ll make a beeline to either the bathroom or his high chair in the dining room depending on which question was asked.

cuz like i said, the boy really loves his bath time.  also his ducks.

loves lining them up and then going back and knocking them back in to the water, one by one.  then repeating the whole process a few more times.

just a boy and his ducks.

until of course, he gets bored of them and moves on to his toy boats.

bath time = cheap, good, clean fun.

and just so happens to be the best way to see that killer little dimple of his.

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