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let’s go bruins!

this past saturday was a very good day to be a bruin fan.  an exciting football game and a very satisfying win that’s been a long time coming.  we had a few friends over to watch the game with us which made it all the more fun.  so much so that i didn’t even take a single picture the whole time!  aw well, maybe next time.

to celebrate, this is how the fam bam dressed for church on sunday.

oh how i love this shirt. ok, and the boy in it.

so while i don’t have any pictures from this past saturday, i DO have some from a game we watched a couple months ago.  it’s pretty much the same idea, except with more people.  🙂

phil is very serious about having a good spread from which to graze during the game.  there’s always enough to feed a small army.

breaking in our new, old seating.

u-c-l-a fight fight fight!

phil was very thorough in decorating his man cave soon after we moved in to the house.  in fact, it’s the only room in the whole house that is completely pulled together.  he tells me there is no budget left to do anything else anywhere in the house.  hmph.

she was camped out directly under all the food for the easiest access.

this is how we roll, folks.  see the big sister catching a nap under the table?

the perfect space in which to cheer on our favorite team.

go bruins!

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