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we had a week to build up to the big day.

on monday, the boys and i went to lauren’s preschool thanksgiving party.

my two handsome dates.

thankfully, it was assigned seating.

then her class came in and lined up.

and did a short thanksgiving-y song (“five little turkeys sitting on a fence…”) and memory verse (“first thessalonians five eighteen, in everything give thanks, give thanks”) that lasted all of two minutes.  i love preschool programs.

there’s our girl!

a little pre-soup affection.

each of the classes prepare a stone soup based on the book and we get to enjoy it together.  and enjoy it they did.  mikey had himself two servings.  and now with lauren in this school, i’ve had the privilege of trying each of the four classes’ versions of the soup.  good times.

lauren and her beloved teacher, miss c.

mikey didn’t want to throw his soup away when it was time to clean up.  so he took it with him and shared it (his idea, not mine) curb-side before we headed home.  one bite for you…

one bite for you…

and one bite for me!  (bites may or may not have been evenly distributed).

then on wednesday, lauren and i went to help out at allie’s class party.  (the boys stayed home with our babysitter).

allie and her beloved teacher, miss c.

allie specially requested her little sister to come since she’d never seen her big sis’ class before.

it was her lucky day too as they had extras of everything so she got to be just like the big kids and do everything they did.

this is allie’s best school friend, l.  i am so, so thankful for such a sweet friend for my girl.  i’ve been praying for good, true friends to surround her and hope that their friendship will continue to grow and remain steadfast through the years.  between the sisters as well as the friends they make at church and at school.

the party finished off with a viewing of charlie brown’s thanksgiving.

remember how much fun it was to watch a movie in class?  somehow it’s always way better than watching it at home, even though it’s the same movie.  the exact same movie in fact, since allie brought the video in to share with her class.

then it was time for the main event!  (my best turkey yet, if i do say so myself!)

one little eater was seated and ready to get this show on the road.  er, make that two little eaters…

bustin a little gangnam-style before getting down to business.

thankful to have ah-ma and uncle richard join us this year.

my girls.

mikey requested a leg as he does every year.

but also shared it with his brother.  a passing of the torch leg, if you will.

looks like we’ve got another leg fan in the making!

hope your thanksgiving day was a great time with loved ones, full tummies, and grateful hearts!

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