old blog

the tree expedition

we decided to get our christmas tree on saturday, while phil’s mom and brother were still with us.  we started off with grand plans and high hopes.

but remember what happened to us last year?  and the year before that?

which begs only one question.

WHEN are these tree lots going to realize that *some* of us like to get our christmas tree nice and early?!

hmm.  nope.  no internal reflection needed here about realizing that maybe perhaps we should just wait a week or so and save ourselves the angst of finding our lot of choice not open yet and also save an hour or so of driving aimlessly around hunting for an open tree lot stocked with ready to go trees. uh-uh.  that is not at all the conclusion one should draw after three years in a row with the same result.

[clearing throat].

so um, the tree lot with the cute little kids’ train and mini boats and christmas tunes and general merriness abounding? 


but!  another tree lot down the street miraculously was stocked and OPEN and ready to go, much to mikey’s great relief.  so we went there.

only to discover that they were charging double the amount.  double!  in this instance, maybe not so good to be an early bird.

so we got a quick picture.  then left.  much to mikey’s chagrin. 

we decided to stop for a late lunch at in-n-out to regroup and bolster our spirits.  happily it worked.

some of us needed a nap for further bolstering.

happily, that worked too.

ah-ma decided it was too cold for the baby.

these babies decided it was too cold for them too.  (temps in the frigid low 70s, people).

and so where did we end up for the third year in a row?


the good news is that when you get your christmas tree while everyone else is still digesting their turkey, you are able to get quick and friendly help.

his favorite part of this whole process.  but look!  no line! (silver lining, however slim it may be).

in this instance, the help was definitely friendly.  but maybe not so quick.  and not really that helpful, actually.  but still, see that girl in the pink tutu and in-n-out hat and purple rapunzel flip-flops?  she dressed herself that day.  thank you.

it’s actually nice to get it done early and not have to deal with the crowds.

plus, going early means you get two quick and friendly helpers to tie it to the top of your van.  not having to do it ourselves this year with four kids (im)patiently waiting in the car was pure awesomeness, plain and simple.

and then there was this once we got the tree inside.

before finally getting down to business.

hanging ornaments as high as she could reach.

he employed some creative techniques this year to ensure even distribution of ornaments on the tree.


aww, how cute.  little brother is helping hang the ornaments!

if you thought that, you would be WRONG.

cuz little brother was actually taking ornaments off the tree as fast as the other three were trying to hang them on the tree.  i caught him plucking ornaments off and then chucking them back into the tree.

phil’s bah humbug mood reappeared again this year.  and ucla’s loss to stanford didn’t help matters at all.

but he perked up for this part.

i think it was allie who arranged the nativity scene above the fireplace.  and little brother’s been going there and messing it all up every chance he gets.  and it’s been allie who patiently goes back and fixes it all up again every time.  love that girl.

merry early christmas from all of us to you!

the tree the next day.  before little brother struck yet again.

i am very fervently hoping that getting our christmas tree from home depot is not accidentally becoming a tradition for us.  the last three years notwithstanding.

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