project 52

project 52, week 42

i am thankful for…

this boy right here.  our firstborn.  still such a little guy but so often we forget that and expect him to carry the weight of our expectations on his shoulders.  yet he takes it all in stride and remains an amazingly kind and gentle-hearted kid.  i often tell him i have a lot to learn about patience from him.

i am so thankful i’ve had this year to have him home.  i’ve found that i just really like being around my kid and have enjoyed the talks we’ve had and the laughs we’ve shared.  he’s just such a great person to know.  and i also really appreciate that he’s loved being home these last two years and never complained about any of the work i’ve had him do.  i love that i can assign him some independent work and trust him to get it done and he does.  i love seeing him grow in his sense of responsibility and ability to get things done without me hovering over him.  in many ways, he’s been a joy to teach with his infectious enthusiasm, his willingness to do the work, and his overall positive attitude.  but in other ways, not so much.  but that’s exactly the areas where i can grow in extending him grace, grow in patience, and recognize that it’s not fair to expect perfection from him but not myself.  love how God teaches me and keeps me humble.

even though i’m supposedly the teacher here, i seem to be doing most of the learning myself.  for that, i am truly thankful.

next year might bring some changes which we’re still praying over, but i know in my heart that i will look back on these past two years and never regret for a second the time i’ve been blessed to spend with my boy.  what a joy and a privilege to be his mom and his teacher.  i am doubly blessed.

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