project 52

project 52, week 46

ok, and i’m also thankful for…

my darn dog.

mikey once asked me why i call her my darn dog.  i replied because she does darn things like poop and pee where she’s not supposed to, swallow lego bits, chew the hands and feet off of barbies, bark like a deranged pyscho killer dog whenever the doorbell rings, and sneakily try to get on the table to eat our food.  darn things like that.

but then again, she’s super sweet and calm (whenever the doorbell’s not ringing or some other unseen imminent danger is not present), she’s chosen me as her most favorite person in the world, she’ll do anything to try and protect us, she’s a great under-the-table and kitchen floor vacuum cleaner, and she’ll quietly sit at my feet as i type here at the computer.  small things like that make her a great family pet and are the reasons why she’s managed to keep her place in this family.

but the stuff on the darn list?  i could surely do without most of those…

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