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making merry, part 1

just got back from a wonderful visit to the grandparents’ house.  more on that later.  now is the time to catch up on a whirlwind month of good times and happy memories.  aka december photo dump, part one.

ready for a jam-packed month of festivities, little dudes?  hope so, cuz here we go!

first off was a long overdue visit with our favorite uncle and auntie.  love these guys.

and an ill-fated viewing of a small town holiday parade.  which turned out to be really lame.  in the rain.  sorry, guys.  ;p

but all was not lost- the soggy, depressing, crappy little parade was soon forgotten once they piled on the couch for movie-watching and cookie-eating.

them, too.

then came time for our church family christmas dinner.  love these lovely ladies.  also jonah, who had better things to look at than his doting mother.  thanks punk i mean son.

what’s a church family christmas dinner without a little ring-around-the-rosy?  good times.

being blessed by the children’s choir.  it was beautiful.  many thanks to their awesome choir teacher, auntie vika!

and then the kids’ favorite december activity– our annual visit to candy cane lane.



he LOVED it.

them, too.  (lauren, too, but she was parked on my lap so no pic of her).

also our small group christmas dinner where the kids had a no-stealing-no-crying-be-thankful-for-what-you-get gift exchange.  gee, sounds like a ton of fun, no?

actually, everyone did great,

and it thankfully was a ton of fun!  (whew!)

 it’s really all about the fun of ripping open a present, no?

i came downstairs after a lovely sunday afternoon nap to find that daddy had put them to work.

we actually bought this kit last year and never got around to doing it.  still good a year later!  except the icing didn’t make it.

the news that the candy was for decorative purposes only and not for human consumption was not well received.

but all was good again with the promise of other goodies yet to come.

namely in the form of hot chocolate, mini marshmallows, and graham crackers.

more to come later!

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