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making merry, part 2

then daddy finally got a chance to hang up lights with his “helpers”.  (please ignore the heinousness that is our garage.  i will get it all unpacked when i’m dead.)

the “helpers” were oh so helpful.

and then some of our favorite people came over to hang out with us.  as always, the girls put auntie jami right to work.

they even brought presents!  THANK YOU, guys!!  jonah’s become an old pro at this present thing.

how did auntie jami know that a princess game would be the perfect gift for these two?

hey lauren, what’s your shirt say?  (heh heh, she was a bit tired…)

spending quality time in the man cave.

then it was time to make thank you gifts for the kids’ various teachers.

thank you, teachers!!

and then it was time to go to the girls’ christmas parties.  which happened to be on the same day at the same time.

so we went to lauren’s school first to catch her being a little sheep.

thankfully, daddy took the day off so he and jonah stayed at lauren’s school…

while mikey and i rushed off to allie’s party.


and then at church, it was the sunday school kids’ turn to sing their special christmas song.  lauren wanted to be sure i heard her.  i sure did.  🙂

whew!  more to come!

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