old blog

Gone Fishin’

Phil was scheduled to work a bunch of hours in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, so I took the opportunity to take the kids for a nice long visit with the grandparents.  It was really cold and rainy so we spent most of our time indoors, but there were a few opportunities for some outdoorsy fun with Grandpa.

Mostly it involved fishing.  And that was because Mikey fell in love with fishing in a major way.  Every waking moment he’d ask Grandpa if they could go fishing.

And because Grandpa is the grandpa he is, they went fishing every day.

And sometimes some of us joined them.

Poised and ready to become a fisher of… fish.

This little monkey was super happy to come along.

You talkin’ ’bout me, mama?

My dad’s dog Lily was super happy to come along, too.

You talkin’ ’bout me, mama?

Jonah is our resident dog-lover.  No matter that Lily is eye-level with him and weighs four times more than he does.  More dog to love in his book.

Getting some pointers from Grandpa.

We were all afraid Jonah was going to go tumbling in to the freezing water so the warnings to him to stay back were plenty.

Being #4 means being good at keeping oneself occupied.  Also helps to have a high tolerance for dirt.

That’s when Grandpa decided it was time for his first fishing lesson.

He’s a natural!

And when the little big sister asked if it was her turn again?

Sometimes it’s just plain hard to be the baby.

Thankfully this sweet big sister started playing fetch with Lily and decided to let her little brother keep the fishing pole.

Because being the baby sometimes (most of the time) totally works in your favor.

Especially when it comes to Grandpa.

And fishing.

Ooh, we got a big one.  (Just kidding, there were no bites that day.)

Love you, Grandpa.

And then he kicked Grandpa to the curb so he could fish all by himself.

Gotta go, more tomorrow!

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