old blog

Gone Fishin’, cont’d

The small boy in this house with the runny nose and cranky ‘tude since Thanksgiving is seriously cramping my style.  So where was I?  Ah yes, fishing with Grandpa…

Mikey became fishing’s number one fan and would’ve stuck with it all day if he could.

I love this kid.

So while our fisher boy insisted on staying by the pond…

the rest of us had to find other amusements to pass the time.  Like admiring the sunset.

 A game of tag (while simultaneously trying not to poke anyone’s eye out).

We finally got the boy to rejoin us with the promise of coming back the next day.

Making memories with Grandpa.

Seriously one of my favorite things ever.

And then it was time to head back home.  With Mikey reconfirming a few (like seven) times that we would indeed be back. 

Thank you Lord, for Grandpa.

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