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The Aquarium

Phil had the first week of January off so we got to enjoy lots of family time with little day trips and special surprises.  First up was a visit to the aquarium.

It’s been a long time since we’ve been here, but the older two remember it like it was yesterday.  That was a giant stingray.

At first, they were content to just look at the sharks and other assorted sea animals swimming by.

But not for long.

Then it became a quest to touch as many sharks as they could.

There wasn’t a timid one in the bunch.

Big sister showing him how it’s done.

His sweatshirt was completely soaked after visiting all the touch pools.  He didn’t care.  He woulda jumped completely in if he coulda.  Thankfully Daddy was right behind him to grab him back or he really woulda.

Then he was off to see what else there was to see.

Like this sinister lookin’ fella.  Yikes.  Thank goodness for very thick glass.

Then it was time for a snack.

With his own personal baggy of popcorn.

One of the finer pleasures in life.

We actually did make it inside the aquarium, too.  The jelly tank was Mikey’s favorite.

We even saw fish, too.

Lots of ’em.

Imagine that. 😉

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