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Princesses on Ice

Also during his vacation, Phil surprised the girls with tickets to Disney on Ice’s Dare to Dream show.  That’s a mouthful, so we just called it “princesses on ice” around here since that’s really what it was.  But shockingly, daddy wasn’t so much interested in seeing the show himself, so he declared it a girls’ day out.  And designated me to be the driver.

So we (they) got all princessed up.

And found that daddy had hooked us up with some pretty sweet seats right on the ice.

So we settled in to thoroughly enjoy the show.

After Cinderella and Princess on the Frog came Lauren’s favorite story.

Loved it.

Then came this part.

We oohed and aahed along with everyone in the audience.

We wished the story would never end.

And then came Rapunzel’s finale.


We didn’t get to see it.  Both girls loved the entire show so much that they didn’t want to leave their seats during the intermission for a bathroom break.  They assured me they would be fine until the end of the show.  All confident nods and solemn vows.  I hoped against all odds that they would last til the end of the show.  Then I went ahead and dashed those very hopes by buying them grossly overpriced snow cones during the intermission.  You know, the intermission where I should have made them go to the bathroom?


That moment above, right when they’re about to launch into “and at last I see the light”, is when Lauren leaned over to me and urgently whispered that she had to go potty.  There were ten minutes left in the show.  I debated.  I teetered.  I lost.  I looked over and saw Allie wiggling in her seat, too.  So we ran-walked to the nearest usher to ask where the bathroom was, found out it was impossibly far away, outright ran to the bathroom, took care of business, ran back to our seats and…

we missed it.


Boo to little girls’ tiny bladders and impossibly cute souvenir mugs filled with purple sugar ice and mommies who don’t listen to their own better judgment.

Just boo I say.

But at least we did catch the tail end of the finale.

So at least there’s that, right?

Oh and that the girls both had a marvelous time.

So there’s that, too.

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One Comment

  • joyceandnorm

    How did I even miss this post? Looks like everyone had a great time!! What else did I miss? I also missed that it is in the Bay Area next weekend. I'm not sure we'll be able to go. If we do, I'll try to capture a few pics of the parts you missed…although I don't think we'll be sitting as close as you did. I missed going with the girls last time they went because I had a women's retreat.

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