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Aaaand Back to Fishing

Because Mikey really, really wanted to actually catch a fish…

Daddy found a trout farm where the odds of actually catching a fish were in our favor.  That is, if you rent one of their fishing poles and buy their cheese bait (we found this out later).  The bamboo poles and corn bait you get for free (with a paid admission and parking fee) weren’t getting us too far.

So Daddy caved and rented a pole and bought the cheese bait.  And whaddaya know?

For this smile?  Money well spent, I’d say.

They threw in the pink fishing pole for free and Lauren was quietly holding it during all the commotion of Mikey catching a fish.  When suddenly we hear her audibly gasp and call for help behind us.

Turns out our little pipsqueak with the pink fishing pole caught the biggest fish of the day!

Then it was nonstop catching of fish!

That cheese bait was definitely the way to go.

Then he decided to try the bamboo pole one more time.  And whaddaya know?

In the midst of all this fish catching, our Allie was starting to feel a bit, shall we say, sensitive since she hadn’t caught a fish yet.  Lots of nibbles but no catches.  We told her to keep at it.

And whaddaya know?  This was the closest she would get to her fish though.

Until her daddy came in for the cozy group shot.  What?  Doesn’t she look totally at ease with her new fish friend?

Also, just this.

He wanted to know what all the fuss was about.

Now that both sisters each caught one fish, they decided it was time to hang up their pink pole and do each other’s hair.  Daddy, on the other hand, decided the pink pole was just what he needed to catch the giant trout he knew was lurking down there in the depths of that pond.

The big brother still fishing, the sisters doing each other’s hair, and the little brother munching on a corn dog.  Sounds about right for this family.

That is, until the corn dog was all eaten up and the little brother began to feel offended at being left out of this fishing business.

So Daddy scooped him up and made it all better again.

Final fish count: 6


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