old blog

Field Trip!

Being sick has taken me completely out of commission the last couple weeks.  Anytime I wasn’t needed to make food, assist someone with something, drive someone somewhere, or help someone learn something, I could be found curled up on any nearby flat surface passed out cold.  It was neither fun nor pretty.  And I took a few family members down with me.

The stomach bug last month and now this hacking cough cold has made for a rougher winter for us than any in recent memory.

Either that or the fact that we have six people in the house with whom to share all these lovely bugs so each illness seems to last an eternity.

Heaven help you if you’re the last one to get the bug too, because all patience and sympathy and comforting soup have all by that point worn thin and/or eaten up.  Just saying.


Before all this illness, Phil had a midweek day off, and Mikey asked if we could go somewhere fun.  In his exact words, “Can we go somewhere fun?  Like a museum or something?”

Field trips have been few and far between this year with Phil having fewer days off and the girls having different school drop-off/pick-up times and all the other general crazy running around we’ve found ourselves doing lately.

So on this particular day, we said yes.  And off we went (minus Allie who was definitely missed by her sibs) in search of like a museum or something.

And we ended up here.

Doing whatever the big brother is doing totally counts as fun in the little brother’s book.

This is fun.  Right, big brother?

We tried out a flight simulator which some of us found more riveting than others.

And then we saw it.

And were amazed by it.

Mostly we just thought it was really, really cool.

Pretty neat to see it all up close and in person.

She was the most impressed when daddy bought her her own “personal space ice cream”.  This is what she called it.  This is also how she dressed herself that day. 

On our way out, Jonah made his way over to these schoolgirls.  He went and stood with them giving out high fives and totally acting like he didn’t even know us.


And that’s all I have to say about that.

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One Comment

  • joyceandnorm

    Sorry to hear you've been sick. Just a brutal winter for everyone. 🙁 Always thankful for over health though. We love field trips!!! No Endeavours on our last field trip, but we did get 2 huge gift bags of yummy breads and pastries from the bakery plant. 🙂 Typing that blog post right now actually…

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