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The day started off with a special valentine treat from daddy for each of the kids.

And I love that he’s the kind of dad who knows it’s Ariel for this one.

And Rapunzel for this one.  (And also that the boy’s good with anything boy-related).

He had a little something for me, too.

He also planned a special lunch for just us two.

I love our little people, but man, do I love when it’s a table for two.

Especially when it involves this cheese fondue.  With chorizo.

Followed by this chop chop salad.  So. Good.  Except we were getting full already.

But there was more!  A good ol’ burger for him.

And a swordfish sandwich for me.  I was simply too full for even one bite of this so it got boxed up and became my Valentine’s dinner.  Still really good even a few hours later.

Such a wonderful time with great food and even better company.

After lunch we took a little stroll around the hotel grounds.

And tried to make the moment last before it was back to the grind for both of us.
After we returned home, Phil had to leave for work and Lauren decided she wanted to make some Valentine cupcakes.
Good thing she has the perfect outfit all ready for just such an occasion.
Both girls had Valentine parties at their respective schools and came home with a bag full of cards and treats.  I was a little concerned that Mikey would feel sad and left out of all the festivities.
I needn’t have worried.  He simply shrugged and said that since it was a day to do nice things for family and friends, he’d just go ahead and make valentines for all of us.
And that’s just what he did.
And then decided he wanted to make little cards for all his small group buddies who would be coming over the next day.  He changed the wording since it was the day after Valentine’s day.  😉
Probably it also helped that both girls shared more than a few of their treats with their brothers, too.
And I didn’t find this until a few days later in Allie’s backpack.
“Love is being with my family.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Although, “touching a soft dog” and “tasting mac and cheez” are definitely close seconds.
Hope your Valentine’s day was lovely, my friends.
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