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Her Half Birthday

Sometime back in September or October, Lauren’s teacher noticed that she has a summer birthday and so asked me if I’d like to bring in treats on an alternate day during the school year.  She suggested doing perhaps a half-birthday celebration.  I readily agreed since that would put it in mid-January, well before birthday season kicks me into high gear in the spring.  I figured that the window after Christmas and before our rapid-fire birthdays would give me enough time and sanity to pull something special together for Lauren.

And it was all good in the hood.

So good in fact, that I completely forgot ALL about it.  So her mid-January date came and went without any ado whatsoever.

Mother of the year, right here.

So I sheepishly asked for another date and got the very next preschool day.  Which was a Friday.

So I scrambled a bit and made these for her birthday treats.  Potted flower cups, also known as dirt cups.

In seemingly unrelated news, January was also “community month” and the preschoolers were learning about different jobs people do.

And look who volunteered to come in and talk about his job?  (Never mind that it was February 1st and not technically “community month” any longer.)

There was first a little discussion about what a doctor does.

And sharing their vast knowledge about going to the doctor’s office.

Then it was time to suit up because with a wave of his hand, Dr. Phil had magically turned their classroom into an operating room.

Because poor Mr. Bear is hurt and needs help fast!

Better check to make sure the stethoscope is working properly.

Good thing big brother was there to assist.  Whew, looks like Mr. Bear is going to make a full recovery.

They decided their teacher had several owies that needed bandaging up.

Testing out the gas mask.

Aw, I think he had just as much fun as they did.  Even though he was up the entire previous night at work and was running on fumes by this point.

Then it was time.

She was just a teensy bit excited.

She dove right in but others weren’t sure their moms would like them eating dirt.  Even the teacher initially thought I had brought real potted flowers for each kid to take home.  A couple of the boys asked the teacher to wash the dirt off so they could eat the gummy worm.  They weren’t going to let a little thing like dirt keep them from the gummy goodness.

They caught on soon enough though and we were saved from being that family who brought in dirt for birthday treats.

Overall, I think she had a marvelous not-exactly-half-birthday celebration.

Love this girl.

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