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Disney Pilgrimmage, Part 2

Up and at ’em kids, enough of this cartoon watching!  We’re going to Disneyland!

Fortifying ourselves with hot chocolate and chocolate chip muffins first.  Breakfast of champions!

Catching a ride on Tinkerbell’s latest creation.

My son, the ham.  These days, whenever I have my camera out, he’ll run in front, pose a bit, and bust out a smile.  Love it.

Finally, after a long, long wait!  And guess who decided to be scared of the fairies after SHE was the one who initially wanted to go see them and ended up having her mother practically drag her to her sister’s side because after that long wait, her mother was certainly gonna get a picture of them both, but chose to relieve her anxieties by biting her sister’s shirt?  If you guessed Allie, you’d have to guess again because it was the other one.  The one who shall remain nameless for the time being.

So we decided that was as good a time as any to hop over to the other side to see what we’d see there.  Very cool to see Radiator Springs come to life.  Even though it was C R O W D E D.

Girls in one tractor.

Boys in the other.

Of course we had to see Ariel again.  But hey, now her hair is down!  It was up the last time we were here.

Much like his daughter, he too loves a happy ending.  And was thrilled when Ariel waved at him.  OK, I’m kidding.  He’s actually much like his youngest son, a fellow ham.

This time around, we got to see the Aladdin musical.

Riveting entertainment.

We were pleasantly surprised by this live show and enjoyed it very much. 

Me and the Jonut.

The girls needed a bathroom break, so Daddy got this quick photo while they were waiting for us.  Except for Jonah who took one look at this gigantic ant, shook his head “no” and hightailed it back to the stroller.

I am a tiiiiiiiiyerd boy.

This is what I do when I am tiiiiiiiiyerd.

But no time for naps that day, we had more to see and do!  But the rest of the pics will have to wait for another day because now the mama is tiiiiiiiiyerd.  So for now, bye.  🙂

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