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Disney Pilgrimmage, Part 3

Daddy had a big surprise in store for the girls that evening…

Dinner at Ariel’s Grotto!  See that little sister?  The one who was scared of Tinkerbell and Silver Mist?  Yeah, apparently fairies freak her out but princesses are her best friends.  Go figure.  And when you do, feel free to come back and explain it to me cuz this one has me completely befuddled.

We were seated and treated to some fancy looking appetizers.

And then came the royal announcer guy.

And soon we were greeted by a whirlwind of princesses.

The girls found this to be utterly thrilling.

My favorite was Belle.  She was extra sweet to the girls.

And even snuck over to see if Mikey was having a good (er, tolerable) time.  He didn’t get what all the fuss was about and was not about to be caught dead in any of the pictures with the princesses.  But he thought Belle was alright.

And then she went to say hello to the baby brother, too.  Who decided Belle looked hungry and offered her some bread.  Never mind that he’d taken a few bites out of it first.

And Snow White finished the princess procession.

Then it was time to tackle dinner.

Because before we knew it, dessert was served.  Seriously, they run a well-oiled machine in that grotto.

The boy found the dessert course to be utterly thrilling.

A few rides later and it was time to call it a night.

“They fixed their neon!”

Wonderful memories, definitely.  But sadly, this will be our last year doing a Disney weekend.  Phil says next year the conference will be held in downtown LA instead cuz it’s cheaper.  Downtown LA?!  Where’s the fun in that?

Boo, I say.  Boo!

Still, I guess a three year streak was a pretty good run when all’s said and done.  😉

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  • joyceandnorm

    So fun!! The characters' outfits are much more detailed and fancy than when I went to a character breakfast as a kid. We are getting so excited that we will be making the trek down there next year. You have to give me all your tips for taking kiddos there. Any chance of meeting up? 🙂

  • judy

    I'm not a huge fan of princess stuff, but man oh man, the looks on those girls faces! so sweet! a memory they'll def. keep forever. Downtown can be fun! let us know next year and maybe we can join you for some downtown LA fun!

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