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Beach Day

Well.  It’s been a rather long, chilly winter with lots of illnesses being passed around.  Making for long days stuck inside staring dolefully at the steely gray skies and wishing the nip in the air would hurry itself away in favor of the postcard weather we’ve grown quite used to around these parts.

And then, for one glorious weekend in mid-February, the sun decided to break through the clouds and heat us back up into the 80s.  For one weekend only.  So we seized the day with the best of ’em and headed straight for the beach.  Because that is what one ought to do with an 80-degree weekend in the middle of February.  It is written.

The air was warm but the water most certainly was not.  That didn’t stop these two, though.

It did stop these two, though.

Playing in the sand just seems to draw her in.

Apparently the sand drew him in, too.

Like moths to a flame.

Would someone tell these two to please stop growing up so darn fast?  They were seriously my babies yesterday.  What’s the rush, anyway?

Explaining to me the finer points of how to make the perfect sand ball.

Shaping it just so.

And voila!

It only took her an hour or so before she decided to join her peeps by the water.

Him, too.

It took him a good bit longer to make it down there.  Those short little legs can only go so fast in the sand, you know.

When suddenly he stopped.

Without a word, he turned around and made the long trek back to the buckets and shovels.

He decided he’s just a sand guy after all.

But with this sister,

and this brother,

and this daddy, I have a feeling he’ll be out there splashing with the rest of ’em in no time.

Just not today, though.

Hoping to be back soon!  Just gotta wait for these chilly days to go away, already.  :p

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  • joyceandnorm

    I'm sick of being sick. It was cold last week up here, warming up, and supposed to be in the high 70s this week…driving me insane. Bummer we don't have any decent beaches nearby. We have some but never really warm enough to get close to the water. :/ So glad you guys got to get out to the beach in February! 🙂

  • michelle

    I hear ya Joyce! Sick of being sick and sick of the cold. Re: the beaches, I'd say that's all the more reason for a road trip down here to visit us! 🙂

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