old blog

Just Say Yes

It was a beautiful, sunny morning and the warmth in the air promised a lovely day to come.  Both girls had been dropped off at their respective schools so it was just the boys and me at home.

Mikey asked if we could all go out to the backyard since it felt so nice out.

And feeling guilty for saying “no” too often to his small requests lately, this time I said “yes.”

They found some old bubbles.  And I mean old.  As in, these were the same ones from when Allie was the age Jonah is now.  As in, I’ve dragged these old bubbles with us through our last four moves.  As in, what in the world?!

It felt so nice out that he asked if we could eat breakfast outside, too.  Buttered toast.

Shoo, Daisy!

And yogurt tubes.

He reached over to help when the little brother started having a little trouble with his tube.  Without my having to ask.  Because he’s just awesome like that.

After Jonah went down for a nap, Mikey and I continued soaking in the warm day and did school outside.  He loved it.  So did I.

We picked up Lauren from school and had us a picnic lunch outside.  She thought it was a great idea.

So did he.

The wind started to pick up after lunch, so it was finally time to head inside.  That’s when Mikey asked if we could do “like an experiment or something.”

And again, I said yes.

Set them to work painting this first.

Then we waited for it to dry and for Allie to be able to join us, too.

The cast of characters: white vinegar, red food dye, liquid soap, baking soda, and warm water.

Each of the kids made up their own “lava recipe” using differing amounts of the ingredients.  Mikey went first.

Bracing himself for the explosion.

Jonah leaning in so as not to miss the explosion.  But because Mikey is Mikey, he didn’t go too crazy with the ingredient ratios and got a mild little reaction.

Allie took what she learned from Mikey’s turn and went for a bolder concoction.

This picture cracks me up.  (Lauren found the goggles in the science kit and put them on so the other two found other eye protective gear in the house to throw on.  Allie went with her swim goggles.)

I helped Lauren come up with her recipe, but she made Allie pour in the vinegar so her turn looked pretty much like the above two pictures.

Finally, we decided on an “ultimate lava recipe” and poured it in to our now almost dry but woefully misshapen volcano.

And tada!

Success!  And I think they learned a thing a two to boot!

As I was tucking Mikey in that night, he told me he had a great day and was thankful that he has me for his mom because I let him “do fun things all the time.”

Now I know the “all the time” part isn’t exactly true, but it made me all the more glad that I decided to say “yes” more times than I said “no” that day.  🙂

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