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Grandpa’s Birthday

My dad’s birthday was earlier this month.  Well actually, I’m not entirely sure about that.  Whenever I’ve asked him before, my dad usually gives one of two responses: 1) it’s in September or October sometime or 2) it’s the same day as your birthday.  So since I was never very keen on having my dad commandeer my birthday, I always went with answer #1.  How the man himself doesn’t actually know his own birthday still remains a bit of a mystery.  Something about lunar calendars and birth certificates not being standard issue when you were born several decades ago at home in a tiny remote area of South Korea.  Plus the whole “lost in translation” thing.  I never really understood that movie, either.


Apparently, my stepmom has gone with answer #2, so March it is.  The actual day, however, is still up for negotiation.

In any case, she threw him a party and gathered all the relatives together to celebrate.  I really appreciate that she does things like that for him.  And in spite of his grumbling about all the fuss and trouble, I think he secretly appreciates it, too.

Here are a few of the party pictures.

My girl.

My brother and lovely sil.

My niece.  Adorbs.

My brother and my baby.

My baby upside down.

Wait, what’s that you say?  This party isn’t about ME?!  Oh yeah.  Heh heh.  That’s right.


My uncle tried to get my baby to eat the flower.  My baby decided it was a better idea to feed it to him instead.

So my uncle decided to take a big ol’ pretend bite.  My baby was amused.

HEY.  I can’t help it if my dad decided to steer clear of my camera for most of the party.  I’ll get to him later.  😉

The kids were getting a tad bit bored so Daddy pulled out this whatever-it’s-called device.

Like so many moths to a flame.

Even great big hammy moths couldn’t resist.  😉

So the party was mostly eating lunch and grownups sitting around and talking.  But there was cake!  And judging by the candles, it appears that my dad is now 10.  Ha to the ha, I kid I kid.  It appears he’s now 73.  Whoa.

He decided to let Jonah get a little candle-blowing practice in as his birthday was coming up in two weeks.  Grandma was just a bit nervous about the baby being so close to fire.

Aw, I love this one.

So anyway, back to me.  😉  Here’s my hubby and my other girlie.

These two befriend each other at each of our family gatherings, but then forget they met before so befriend each other all over again at the next gathering.  Sorta like Groundhog Day, the movie.  But I love it exactly that way.

The sweet girls.

Nice face, Uncle Johnny.

And then Grandpa and Grandma, and my brother’s family all came over to our house to hang out some more.  And Grandpa decided the minute he got there was the perfect time to go and cut down a tree in our backyard.  In his defense, it was a dead tree.  I have difficulty keeping foliage alive.  That lovely orchid we got at our little house party last summer?  Toast.

Everyone else decided to lend moral support from inside the house.  And yes, those are Christmas cards still up on the wall.

Be careful, Grandpa!

There was a pleasant afternoon just hanging out and being all together.

Also, this.

And then a big ol’ family style dinner.

And one last picture and one last breakfast together before Grandma and Grandpa had to make the long drive back home.

Happy birthday, Grandpa, whenever it is!  We love you!

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  • joyceandnorm

    A splendid time!! What's up with parents not knowing when their birthdays are? Luckily, the one that my mom picked for herself when she immigrated to the US is the day I was born! :p Your dad sounds like my dad. We came home from MOPS one day, and he was chopping down a tree in the backyard to the girls' dismay. Apparently, it was their favorite tree. :p

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