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One Fine Day

We are well into birthday season in the Tsai house.  The good news is we have three down.  The bad news is we have three to go.  Thankfully, this is our (mommy decreed) non-party year because otherwise I’d be a stark raving lunatic right about now.  I figure it is in the family’s best interest to avoid this whenever possible.  So anyway.  Before I get to all the birthday madness, I have one little picture story to share.

We woke up one Saturday morning- all were home, none had anywhere to be, so he asked what we wanted to do with the day.

We ended up here.   On this contraption.

The two up front and the one back there in the middle thought this was great.  The two parents, however, had burning legs approximately three minutes after this picture was taken.

Because as cute as this little fella might be, he was nothing more than total dead weight.  Him and his sisters.

He also enjoyed reaching back and ringing the bell.  Which was cute.  Then he discovered the hand brake.  Not so cute because it only added to the parents’ burning legs.

I kept asking this fella if he wanted to trade places with me.  He said he was fine where he was.  Coulda been all my huffing and puffing that kept him away.  Or the fact that his daddy wouldn’t let me trade places because that would mean he’d be the sole pedal-er with four hunks of dead weight to lug around.  Possibly.

In any case, we needed frequent stops for photo ops.  Aka stops to rest our burning legs.

Aw but it was good times.  Depending on who you ask.

Afterward, it was decided an ice cream break was in order.

Until the kids saw what daddy decided to order for the parents.  Then the ice cream was quickly cast aside and the funnel cake sundae became a community effort.  I have no idea what Allie is doing here.  Or her Daddy.

Because I’m a sucker for photo booths, all six of us crammed into one we found while strolling along the boardwalk.  Apparently, they’re not meant for six.

So she asked if she could go with just mommy.  And because I’m a sucker for photo booths…

She got a turn, too.

And well, it wouldn’t be fair to leave him out now, would it?  Only he asked to go with daddy instead.  Jonah will have to have a turn next time because even suckers have their limits.

And all that fun-having resulted in this.

And this.

But everyone got their second strength in time for movie night.

Wreck It Ralph.  And all you can eat popcorn. A family favorite combo.

One fine day indeed.

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