old blog

Now He’s Two


They say it’s my birthday.  So my big bro made a lion out of legos for me.  I loved it.

But I didn’t get no party.  That’s okay though.  This strawberry lemonade is like a party in a cup.

Plus I got to rock out to the happy birthday song.


Then they let me near open flame.  Two open flames.

And I blew out my own candles this year, thank you very much.  Daddy was the human fire extinguisher at the ready juuuust in case.

Then I got to eat cake, too!

Did you try my cake?  It’s uh-maaaazing!

Cake this good requires some extra rocking out.

A day that starts with strawberry lemonade and ends with ice cream cake = a pretty awesome day in my book.

This birthday business is kinda cool if you ask me.

That is, until the next day when mommy rediscovered the 2 shirt she bought for me a while back and thought she’d like a nice birthday boy picture of me in it.

Because apparently she’s already forgotten that I’m two now.

And that changes everything.

Because who wants to stand around doin’ nothin’ when there’s a tree swing to try out?

And a handy dandy daddy to make sure I don’t fall off?

See, daddies get it.

While mommies need a bit of help remembering what brand new two-year-old boys are like.


Happy birthday to my baby!  Now you’re two.  You have high highs and low lows and sure like to keep us on our toes.  But through it all, know that I am so happy to be your mommy and that you are a very necessary member of this family.  God sure gave us a wonderful blessing when He gave us you!  Happy two!

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