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St. Patty’s Day

If you didn’t know before, I’ll just tell you now.  We’re not Irish.  Shocker, I know.  But we have celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in small ways every year pretty much only because green is Phil’s favorite color and because he enjoys a good corned beef and cabbage stew.  Also because of the kids’ unwillingness to be pinched for not wearing green that day.

What can I say except that we are a family steeped in rich cultural heritage and meaningful traditions.

: /

So with that, I bid you a happy [albeit belated] St. Patty’s Day!

From our family to yours in every conceivable shade of green known to man.  (We are nothing if not thorough.)

Since St. Patrick’s day fell on a Sunday this year, this is how we were dressed for church.

My March babies.  And because I really, really did not want either one born on the actual day when many celebrate with green beer, I planned it so one would be born the day before and the other one the day after.  Okay, not really, but yeah it’s still sorta true.

Turns out daddy’s not the only one who enjoys a good corned beef and cabbage stew as it got four new fans at dinner that night.

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