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Star of the Week

So Allie’s birthday festivities started off with her turn to be Star of the Week in her class.

Can she really be 7 already?

The Star gets to bring in a favorite book to read to the class as well as a special toy.  She chose her pink seal that her big brother bought for her with his own money the last time we went to the aquarium while she was in school.  He felt bad that she was sad about missing out and so wanted to get her something to cheer her up.  I think it worked.

The Star also gets to make (with help) her very own poster to hang on the special bulletin board.  But I’m pretty sure the hanging up part was done all by herself.

And on Wednesday, the Star gets to be Chef for the day and demonstrates how to make a favorite recipe in front of the class.  Allie chose “Flower Cups” (aka “Dirt Cups” but she didn’t want to call it that).  A step-by-step recipe complete with picture had to be turned in for this project.

Her whole entourage (minus Daddy) was there for moral support.

She got up there in spite of being a little nervous about it and presented her recipe.

No matter that she didn’t look up until the very end.

Love this girl.

Any questions?

Then she dashed off to pass out the treats to everyone in class.

Happily, her Flower Cups were a hit!

Even down to the fake flowers.  She was pretty insistent that we find enough blue flowers for the boys because she sure wasn’t going to stick them with a pink flower.  She does have brothers after all.  Plus she is extra sensitive to these kinds of things.

With her wonderful teacher.

I think it’s safe to say she had an awesome time being Star of the Week and I’m so happy we had a week to focus on just her.  With three other siblings, those times are a bit hard to come by.  But for some reason, I was exhausted by the end of it!

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