old blog

Her Birthday Not-A-Party Party

Okay.  So this is our year off from parties and everyone is clear and good on that.  We invited suggestions and ideas of what they wanted to do instead and came up with something special for each one to celebrate their birthdays.


Except for this one whose only request was to do something with her two bff’s from school.  And because she love, love, LOVED her dollhouse tea party last year, she asked if we could go there again.  Again?!  So I racked my brain and offered alternative ideas and suggestions which she agreed to, but I could see the spark just wasn’t there for her in any of them.  And because I was tired and because I wasn’t about to throw a birthday-not-a-party-but-really-a-party playdate at our house, I agreed.

Enter the mini tea party.

Which I was quick to point out to her was not really a real party since she’d only have three guests (one being her sister, at her request) (and we probably would’ve made it be her request if she didn’t request it on her own) (ahem) and it was still more of a playdate rather than a party.  She nodded in full, gleeful agreement.

Glad we got that all ironed out.  BECAUSE THIS IS NOT OUR PARTY YEAR, PEOPLE!!  My sanity depends on this.

So we found ourselves here once again.

And it was just as sweet and pink and girly as I remembered it.

And they jumped right into the business at hand.

She chose pink eye shadow this time.

And got to have her nails painted in two alternating shades of pink.  I think I’m starting to understand why she loves this place so much.  😉

Her little girlfriends hadn’t been here before, so it was really fun to see them enjoy the whole experience too.

Fully embracing the concept of accessorizing.

My little pipsqueak is pretty certain she wants her not-a-party party here too.  So we might just be back in a few months!

Checking her finished self out.  Complete with hands on hips.

My brand new 7-year-old in little girl heaven.  I can feel her dress-up days are numbered now and this blog post made me very, very glad we let her do this again.

Sweet little girls all ready for their tea party.

Not to forget this little one, too!  The sight of her made me gasp a little.  Who’da thunk that this is her color?

Practicing blowing princess kisses.

Tea party time!

This makes me happy.

Also, this.  Please observe her proper tea drinking pinky.  Even though it was really pink lemonade.

The days.  They be slipping away much too fast.

Seriously, seven?!

My cup runneth over.

Yup.  I am very glad we did this again.

Happy, happy birthday to my sweet Allie girl.  You are so dear to my heart and I love you more than words can say.  It has been my joy and delight to be your “mama” as you still like to call me and one day I will be able to thank God in person for entrusting you to our family.  He has done a very wonderful work in creating you and I love watching you grow little by little into the woman He made you to be.  But, please just don’t grow so fast!  This mama’s heart can’t take it!

Love you, girl.

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