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Snow or Bust, cont’d

Bright and early the next day, the girls put Daddy right to work on the mermaid doll kits he bought for them.  Because Mommy previously warned him in the store that it’d be all him making these if he chose to buy them.  He chose to buy them.

Made with love by Daddy.  Except for the bikini top, bracelet, and necklace because Mommy eventually took pity on the poor man.

Meanwhile, he kept himself occupied since making a mermaid doll interested him not in the least.

With dolls finished, it was finally time to go check out the backyard.

They tried a little fishing.

They did, too.  And no, it was not cold enough to warrant the need for these puffy jackets, but they still wanted to wear them anyway.
He headed straight out to join in the fun as soon as he woke up from his nap.
The multitudes of mosquitoes, tiny gnats (chiggers?, buggers?), and buzzing things drove everyone else inside except for these two.
But they too gave up as soon as they heard lunch was ready.  Who wants grapes?
They all braved the outside again to hop into the spa.  But kept the citronella candle nearby.
They also figured they could keep the little pests at bay with water guns.
And this was right about when I was summoned to join them.

Definitely a great day of vacation enjoyed by all with the anticipation of two more days to come.  Afterward, we all got cleaned up, redressed, and headed out in search of dinner.

That’s when Phil got a phone call.

We were alerted that our alarm back at home was tripped.  Puzzled, we initially thought our dog might have gotten out of her area and set it off.  We waited for more information and figured that one of us would drive back home that night to put the dog back and rejoin the family.

Turns out, it wasn’t the dog. 
We all had to come back home right then instead.
To this.
To be continued…
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