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Family Portraits

I have wanted to have portraits done of our family for a whole lot of years.  As in nearly seven.  And I’ve always wanted Tim Park to do them.  I don’t even really remember how I initially found out about him, but I do remember it was while we were still living in Minnesota and I think I came across his blog on Xanga and was just arrested by his images.  They were stunning.  The lighting, the crisp clean colors, the catchlights in the eyes!  You could tell he loved photography and was simply great at it.  I kinda Xanga stalked him for a while because I could’ve looked at those pictures all day and not get tired of them.

Then we found out we’d be moving back to California and one of the first things I did was message Tim to (awkwardly) introduce myself and to see if we could book him for family portraits.  He graciously emailed back and we had tentative plans to do a family shoot once we moved back.  But for some reason, that shoot never actually took place.

Mostly because we were broke at the time.

And cuz we kept moving.

And if we weren’t moving, we were adding babies.

And if we weren’t adding babies, I was thinking I wanted to lose some more of the baby weight first.

So it just never seemed like the “right” time to do family portraits.

But through the years, I’ve had the privilege of attending a few of Tim’s photography workshops as well as tag along on a few of his portrait sessions to see him in action.  Those opportunities were pure fun and priceless learning for me.

But all the pieces finally fell in to place (except for maybe the baby weight) and my long-awaited dream of having family portraits done by Tim came true last November. 

So here are some of my favorite images that will soon be displayed all over our house.  🙂

This is about the only time the little boy decided to cooperate during our session.

And look, a smile even!

Because the rest of the time?

He was like this.

Getting any smiles out of that boy on that particular day was completely due to sheer genius + effort on Tim’s part.  Seriously.

So about that years-long wait for these family portraits?  Completely worth it.

Thanks, Tim.

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