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The Bike Ride

So we forged ahead in our efforts to enjoy the rest of our spring break together.

He was determined to be prepared for whatever fun lay ahead.

He doesn’t really need a nap every day, does he?

So we started off our afternoon of fun with lunch.  Cuz you know, priorities.

Mikey took this one.

Then we rented a couple of bikes and a trailer and off we went!

What?  Don’t they look like they’re having loads of fun in there?

Dr Phil.  Affectionately known as my beast of burden.

Allie wasn’t feeling super well that day and was having a little trouble keeping up.  So we put her bike away and rented one of these dealios.  Don’t let the smile fool you- trying to keep that bike balanced for the both of us resulted in white-knuckle-death-grip steering for most of the ride.

Apparently it was a rather peaceful ride for them though.


And they both popped right awake when they sensed it was snack time.

Especially when they sensed the snack to be had was freshly made churros.  Yum.

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  • Esther

    hey, did you get the churros from the place underneath El Torito next to the japanese pearl shop? i went to Redondo Beach a couple months ago and was sooo looking forward to the churros since that place was under construction for a while, and bit into a horribly greasy and nasty churro. it was such a terrible disappointment. :*(

  • michelle

    hey esther, it very well might have been but the kids ended up eating all the churros so i couldn't tell you if they were very good or not. anything rolled in sugar gets eaten pretty indiscriminately but our little people. but ugh, sorry to hear about your terrible churro disappointment! what a let down. 🙁

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