old blog

Friends are Friends Forever

I’ve moved fourteen times through childhood until marriage.  And after marriage, I moved eight more times.  That’s a total of twenty-two times in my thirty-six years.  (Wow.  Am I really that old?).

Kinda makes it tough to make those lifelong friendships that start when you’re three years old. Or eight.  Or fifteen.  Is it too late to start one at thirty-six?

And even more importantly, those friendships as sisters in Christ who are able to come alongside to sharpen one another as we seek to become more and more like Him.

So friendships have been on my mind lately.  Or maybe it’s my lack thereof that’s been on my mind.  Am I the only one who feels sort of disconnected?  Like somewhere in there I missed the window where lifelong buddies are passed out?  Or is it this stage of my life that makes me feel this way?  Most days for me sort of seem like the Groundhog Day movie where Bill Murray lives the same day over and over and over.  Know the feeling?

For now, it’s just muddling through the days trying not to forget too many things.  Like paying this or that bill on time.  Or that doctor’s appointment for which kid?  Or that vague feeling like I’m supposed to be somewhere picking someone up.  Or… now I can’t even remember what my next example was going to be.  Ugh.

In any case, it does make me all the more grateful for the handful of faithful, dear friends who have managed to stay my friends in spite of all the insane address changes (and I hope you know who you are because if you don’t, you may well send me deeper into a downward spiral and for love of my kids, please don’t do that. :p).  And when the rare opportunity to get together with one of those friends presents itself?

Well.  I get downright giddy.

 And when I get giddy, I take (cell phone) pictures of my friend taking pictures of our food.

This is her picture of our food.  🙂

And this was the view we enjoyed while eating our food and talking like no time at all had passed since we last saw each other (which was actually many months ago).

And this was our dessert.

And this is me looking giddy with my dear Miss Jenny.

Thank you for blessing me with your friendship and encouragement through all these years, Jenny!

ps- and a BIG thank you to our husbands for holding down the fort with six kiddos while we mamas giddily ran out the door.  🙂

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One Comment

  • Jenny

    Aw Michelle… I'm so thankful for your friendship, and for how God has allowed us to stay close despite your many moves, and the many miles between us. Love you dear friend!
    (love the quote too. it's so us!)

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