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Oh yeah, did I mention that we were struck with Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease the last couple of weeks in addition to severe seasonal allergies for Mikey and a sinus infection for me?  Might have something to do with feeling like we’re muddling through the days lately.  And HF&M?  Sheer. Misery.

So let’s pretend it’s not already May and back up a few weeks.  Humor me, please?

Spring break ended with Easter.  I love Easter.  I think I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth repeating.  I love celebrating our risen Savior and rejoicing anew that through His finished work on the cross, we can be forgiven and made new.  There is such grace and mercy and beauty in the gospel for all who believe and it never gets old to celebrate it.

I love Easter.

I also love that we were able to celebrate at the home of our friends for the fourth year in a row.  Traditions, man.  I think I like ’em.

This year though, was windy and rainy and cold so more time was spent indoors rather than out.

This egg cracks me up.  Get it?  Nyuk, nyuk.

Then we realized we forgot something  (I think it was diapers) at home, so I drove back to get some while Phil manned the camera during the egg hunt.  We only live a mile and half away, but it was really starting to rain so the hunt was all over and done with and everyone was back inside by the time I returned.

And they’re off!

Jonah’s first egg hunt.  He started off with the scoop-it-up method first.

But he got the hang of it soon enough.

He also had a little help, too.

Meanwhile, the others took off and were a bit harder to catch in action.

Or so Phil tells me.  Remember I managed to miss the whole thing?

Back inside and going through all his loot.  And discovering that he really, really loves this whole egg hunt business.

Really wish I had gotten both kids in focus in this one.

Because he’ll only hold still for one kiss.

Back at home, Daddy convinced us he could pop us popcorn over an open flame.  Even though I cautioned him that the package said not to pop over an open flame. 

Hmm, maybe I should just glance at these here directions.

At which he point he decided that perhaps a stove would work, too.

YEAH BABY,  popcorn!

Anyway, hope your Easter was great.

Crazy kids.

To see Easters past, click here, here, or here.

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