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Grandpa’s, Day 1

Phil had the opportunity to attend our church’s men’s retreat last month and he suggested I take the kids to my dad’s in his absence.

So I did.

We got in pretty late and my dad was a little worried since I was driving alone with the kids.  We drove down the small countryish road to his house only to find him standing on the dark roadside waiting for us.  Seems you never stop worrying about your kids.  

So our first full day there started off with a full breakfast, as always.  With the littlest one parked right here, as always.

Then they moved on to early morning movie time.  Tangled.  The rules are a bit different at grandpa’s house.

Then it was goat-feeding time.

See the kid in the green shirt back there?  He was getting a bit annoyed that the goats were only coming to Allie’s food dish instead of his.

This one had the grandpa advantage.  Also a bigger feeding bucket.

Be patiently still and quiet and not moan and groan and complain and good things (ie, a goat) will come to you.  A life lesson?  Perhaps.

Did you just call me a good thing, mama?

Want a closeup of my beard?  Just combed it this morning.

That afternoon we went for a walk with grandma while grandpa and Jonah rested at home.

Wide open spaces!

Running in fields of green!

I spotted this bright green caterpillar and told Mikey I’d give him five bucks if he’d pick it up.

And this is him just after saying no thanks and explaining that money just isn’t that important to him.  Also, it would appear that entomology is not in his future.

This my girl.

Deep breath in…


Yes, that would be Lauren giving herself bunny ears.

This is how you turn a single stroller into a double when the need arises.

The boy was good about walking the whole way with me though.

Measuring herself against the tall grasses.

And when we got back, we found them awake from naptime and parked right here.

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