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Grandpa’s, Day 1 (cont’d)

That evening, I took the kids out because I had something in mind.

It was a bit windy.  Or was it just a case of bedhead?  Can’t remember now.

This is the big sister handing little rocks one by one to the little brother to throw into the water.

He loves throwing little rocks into the water.

Changing up the scenery every once in a while.  Good for the soul.

Running free in wide open spaces.  Also good for the soul.

This was the thing I had in mind.

This was a bonus.

And the one thing the kids remember from taking these pictures?  Was that Mommy laid right down on top of duck poop and it was stuck to her shirt when she got up.  Allie pointed it out.  They also remember Mommy’s REALLY LOUD SCREAM as she swatted it off.  Mikey says it echoed through the whole hillside.

Thanks, kids.

And when we got back, grandpa was right there waiting for us.

Sometimes there just aren’t words.


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