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Grandpa’s, Day 2

Just when we thought the weekend couldn’t get any better, it totally did.

My brother’s family came to join us!

And my dad had something special planned for all of us.

Not-so-early the next morning, we all got dressed and ready.  Some of us needed more help than others.

And found ourselves on a pontoon boat in the middle of Lake Nacimiento.

Life vests were required for the littluns.  Doesn’t he look nice and comfy?  Also?  I forgot to bring his shoes so I threw two pairs of socks that I found in the van on him instead.  Same thing, right?

Thankfully these others didn’t mind donning the life vests at all.

Hold on to yer hats kids, cuz away we go!

There was a high turnover of captains on our boat.
Gotta love good quality cousin time.  Especially when it’s on a boat.
Tweren’t long before he started doing this very familiar sign.  Jonna wanna eat, eat.
Grandma and Auntie Joanna came prepared.  Thank goodness.  Because me?  I had three smashed Skittles in my bag and our snack bag sitting back in the van.  Nice.
Waving to fellow boaters passing by.
So, so nice to be able to enjoy this together. 

Me and my daddy.  And my baby.  (Thanks Joanna for taking the pic!)

My brother and I kept mentioning to each other how nice it was that a Kim Family Trip was actually working out so well for us.  I mean, look at us.  Don’t we look like a totally normal family enjoying a pleasant outing on the lake?  Wow.  We’ve come a long way, baby.

Little baby hairs blowing in the wind.

I’m telling you, the man can sleep anywhere, anytime.  Wish I had inherited that particular trait from him.  Look closely at the other pictures and you’ll see who all inherited that sleep anywhere, anytime gene.

For some reason, this picture just totally cracks me up.

We were actually supposed to do some fishing at some point while on the boat, but Grandpa decided we were all having too much fun just driving around the lake so the lines never got dropped in.  Much to Johnny’s and my puzzlement.  But then again, why mess with an already good thing?  See above.

Brother-brother bonding time.

Love this.

And this.  Please note the napper there to the right.  šŸ˜‰

Loved everything about this day.  I think we all did.

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