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Grandpa’s, Day 3

And our final day together at Grandpa’s…

This is what their doorstep looks like when we all (minus Phil) descend upon them.  Grandma always lines up our shoes facing outward so that they’re easy to slip on and go when we’re heading out.  Only with so many people heading in and out at all times, it’s hard to keep all the shoes facing in one direction all the time.  I should know.  That’s why I never attempt this at home.  Also why we’re forever tripping on each other’s shoes in the doorway.

Day three of full breakfast.

My brother wanted us all to do a little golfing on our final day together.  Like father, like daughter.

When I was a kid, my favorite way to “golf” was to remain in the golf cart (whenever my dad had money enough to rent one) and never step foot on the grass.  Apparently he remembered this and promptly went in to rent us two carts for this outing.  Even though it was only a six-hole course.  Turns out this is Lauren’s favorite way to golf, too.

Turns out we weren’t the only ones!

Hmm, kinda hard to get a clear shot in these conditions.

Jeremiah and Joy were awesome about sharing their clubs with their club-less cousins.  Mikey had a great time learning even though they were right-handed clubs.  And he’s a lefty.

Getting a few pointers from Grandpa.

Our attempt at a group shot.

She makes a good golf cart model, no?

I let her drive the cart back to the drop-off area all by herself.  She thought this was thrilling.  Just like I do used to.  πŸ˜‰

And that was the end of an awesome visit to Grandpa’s (and Grandma’s) house.  Time well spent and wonderful memories made.  Already looking forward to our next trip back!

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