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His Birthday

Our dear Jami and James agreed to drive all the way over to our house and babysit our four kiddos so that Phil and I could go out for dinner to celebrate his birthday.

What wonderful friends they are.  Especially considering how cranky Jonah had been that day (we later figured out he was miserable from Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease) and how it turned out the girls were coming down with it that night, too.  So all things considered, these two are indeed very good friends.

Jami even got a picture of us on our way out.  Thanks, Jami!

His dinner.  Land and sea.  Not bad for a free birthday meal!

My dinner.  Pork chop.  Not free, but still good.  🙂

Always fun to have a night out.  Even if we did look a tad tired.

The birthday boy.

We headed back home in order to have dessert all together.

The girls weren’t feeling too good by this point but managed to eke out smiles for the sake of cake.  They never seem to tire of it even though this was our fourth round of birthday cake in the span of a month.

Jonah’s got this candle blowing thing down now, too.

Our friends’ daughter made this cake for us in what else but UCLA colors!  She did a great job and it was enjoyed by all.

So happy birthday, dear husband of mine.  I am so blessed and thankful to be able to share this life with you.  May the Lord richly bless you in this new year and hopefully the many more to come!

And many, many thanks to you, James and Jami for being so great with our under-the-weather kiddos that night!  We love you!

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  • Esther

    happy birthday, Dr. Gas!

    poor kids, i hope they are feeling better now.

    that's so sweet that your friend's daughter made that cake! even though i'm a trojan, i will say that it looks pretty good! 😉

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