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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can sometimes be a complicated day for me to navigate with an oft-times difficult relationship with my mom as well as a step-mom relationship I’m still trying to figure out how best to honor.

But you know what isn’t complicated in the least?

Being called “mommy” by this guy right here.

Being called “mama” by this sweet slip of a girl.

Being called “mommy” by this little mini.

Being called “MA-MA!!” by this little munchkin.  But only when he wants something.  Usually food.

Nope, not complicated in the least.

And it’s one of the greatest privileges of my life.  Even when bedtime rolls around and I can hardly wait to get ’em into bed so that the mommy!/mama?/mooooommmmmy/MA-MA!!!-ing ceases for a little while.

Yup.  Even then.

Getting a nice little haul like this?  Also not complicated.  But only if you ignore the dust there on the dresser top.  Black furniture?  What in the world was I thinking?!

Hope your Mother’s day was more joy and less complication for you too.

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