There are 4 1/2 days left of school. 4 1/2, not 5, because 5 would be the end of me. I’m already having serious doubts if we can even make it for these last 4 1/2 days because there’s still a rainforest creature to create where family participation is strongly encouraged, an end-of-year 1st grade party to help out with, a so-long preschool party to bake cookies for and attend with three stragglers, a homeschooled boy to finish up the year with, a preschooler who keeps asking for projects, a toddler who’s forever up to no good, and…
my back hurts. my eyes hurt. my teeth hurt. Unrelated? Perhaps.
I’ve been waking up feeling just as exhausted as when I dragged myself into bed and fell into a black sleep the night before.
Then today I came across this. I think I actually heard angel hallelujah choruses in my head. I am not alone.
And somehow, that makes me feel much better.
Still not completely sure if we can make it (3 Lunchables sit in my fridge as I type this), but at least I feel better.
Which might also explain why today, at 11 am, I told the homeschooled boy that we could skip school if he could carry me on his back across the playroom. His determination to do it was beautiful to behold.
I took pictures.
“I think I can, I think I can.”
Mom is beginning to have serious doubts about this whole idea.
“I think I can’t, I think I can’t.”
On the way down.
Seriously limping across these last 4 1/2 days, folks.