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Their First Recital

The weekend that followed the whirlwind last week of school was also jam-packed with its own events.  All fun stuff, but very tiring for those of us who prefer the sit-down-and-rest type of rides.  It all started with Mikey and Allie’s first ever piano recital.    

This is our kids’ piano teacher.  I’ve mentioned him here before.  He starts every lesson by asking for their prayer requests and then praying with our kids.  He’s always reminding them that music is a gift from God for us to enjoy.  It’s readily apparent that he loves the Lord, loves music, and loves to pass both of those on to his students.  He’s always encouraging and has something positive to say.  Our kids just love him.  They’ve always looked forward to their lesson time with “Uncle Tim” in stark contrast to the nervous dreadishness that I used to feel before piano lessons.

I am so, so thankful for such a wonderful piano teacher for our kids.  I hope it launches them into a lifetime of playing and enjoying music that helps them worship and praise our great God.

So it came as no surprise that he began the recital with a short prayer and reminding us all that music is a gift from God for us to enjoy.

And look who made the long drive down for our kids’ first recital?

Allie played “The Dredyl Song”.  She did great although she told me afterward that she accidentally played it an octave higher than she was supposed to but didn’t want to stop and start over.  Ha ha, I was so nervous for her that I didn’t even notice!

Mikey played “Ode to Joy” and also did a great job.  There might have been a few whoops and cheers from our row after they were both done.  BIG sigh of relief.

A quick shot with their teacher when all was said and done.

And a shot with the Lighthouse kids who all know “Uncle Tim” as their piano teacher, too.  He’s very, very popular with the kids at our church.  🙂

Thank you, Uncle Tim for helping all our kids love music as they learn to play and worship!

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