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The Family

With the grandparents in town for the kids’ piano recital as well as for their cousin J’s kindergarten graduation, Joanna suggested doing family portraits since it was one of those rare occasions when we were all together.

It was an awesome idea.

And then she went the extra mile(s) and went shopping to coordinate all of our outfits.  Easily the hardest part of family portraits and definitely my least favorite thing to do.  So, many eternal thanks to my sweet SIL for pulling all of us together and making this happen.

The weather, though?  Definitely didn’t cooperate with only a gloomy gray sky to work with as our beachy backdrop.  Bah humbug.

And determined as we were, it was almost downright comical trying to get six little people, two grandparents, and four frustrated parents all smiling and looking in one direction.  *Almost* comical, I said.  :p

Because just when we’d very nearly get ’em all ready, something ridiculous like birds would come flying by.

And then we’d lose ’em all just like that.

Grandpa was seriously not helping matters, either.

It helped to break us down into smaller groups.

Also helped to forget the kids entirely.

Changing spots also helped refocus the troops.

The tall Kims.

The short Tsais.

So we kept ’em moving around, winning some, losing others.

And they kept insisting on having fun during this serious endeavor.

And Grandpa kept insisting on relaxing and enjoying the day.

Still we pressed on…

Still finding it easier to forget the kids entirely.

Except that they’re so stinkin’ cute.

In their matching dresses and all.  (Quick question: how many grown-ups does it take to get three little girls to look at the camera?  The answer is found in the window reflection behind the girls.  Ahem).

Knowing when to throw in the towel?  Golden.

So close.  So. Close.

“Dear God, thank You for letting picture day be over.  And thank You for the rice.  Amen.”

Amen, sister.

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