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Vacation, Leg 1

Just got back from a week-long vacation and wanted to post it sooner than later.  There were three separate legs of the trip and the first leg involved a two-night hotel stay in Pismo Beach for the family.  Since, as Phil put it, “the kids like a good hotel vacation, too.”

Due to our previous good experience here, we decided to return to the Pismo Lighthouse Suites.  Only with the kids this time around.

The key word here is SUITES.  Meaning the kids had their very own room and bathroom down a little hallway from our room.  I believe I’ve mentioned before that Phil knows how to pick a good hotel.  I appreciate that about him very, very much.

Priorities change just a bit with the kids in tow so Phil had to forego the ocean view room in favor of the bigger two-room suite.

But Jonah thought the view was just great from our room.

I’m guessing he was looking at this giant play area while Daddy was straining to glimpse the ocean behind those buildings and trees.

The next morning, the kids happily watched cartoons while waiting for “room service” to arrive.  “Room service” was the two of us going downstairs multiple times to bring them their waffles, eggs, cereal, milk, orange juice, muffins, yogurt, and bagels.  What a life.  :p

After breakfast, we headed out to do a little window shopping.

Except the kids don’t really get that concept so “window shopping” becomes real shopping in the blink of an eye.  Right down to having trouble deciding between two vital-to-my-happiness items.  She chose the one in her right hand.  Her sister chose the pink house thing in her left hand.  All sales final.  She lived to regret her choice an hour later.  Her daddy went and bought her the pink house thing later that day.  Neither girl has touched their pink house thing since we’ve returned home.  Groan.

But then again, what’s a vacation without a souvenir?  According to their daddy, anyway.  We managed to not buy these sunglasses at least.  She just wanted a picture of herself in them.

Their daddy also got me what he called a “vacation present” too.  Hard to argue when it’s a present, right?  😉

Then came lunch from our favorite clam chowder place.

We headed back out again later that afternoon to walk on the pier.  Except the big sister was tired and fell asleep during the five minute ride.  So the little brother took it upon himself to try and wake her.

When that didn’t work, he tried to lift her out of her seat.  Just like she often does for him.

He couldn’t quite manage it, but was rewarded with a big hug for trying (when she finally woke up, that is).

Strolling on the pier.  Some of us had to walk.  Others got a free ride head and shoulders above the rest of us.  That sweatshirt is the same one Mikey used to wear.  Wah.

This my girl.  Love her.

Trying to pick out our hotel in the distance.

She is particularly proud of this shirt she inherited from her big sis.

They all loved looking in to these telescopes.

Even though we had no quarters on us.

Staring in to them and seeing nothing didn’t seem to matter in the least.

Still fun.

This guy is all about daddy.  That is, until he wants mommy.  Then he’s all about mommy.  But usually, he’s all about daddy.  Until he wants mommy, that is.

Watching the surfers try to catch a wave.

My favorite people.

Daddy walking with our littler two.  So sweet, right?

It only lasts a second though because this is what walking with a two-year-old is really like. 

More vacation fun to come!

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