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Vacation, Leg 1 (cont’d)

So the next morning, I was greeted with the same sign I’m greeted with every morning.

“Eat, eat.”

So we took ’em to one of my favorite places to eat as a kid.  And this is Phil… being Phil.

“Dear God, thank You for this food.  I don’t know what it is yet, but I am sure I love them and so I am very thankful for them.  Amen.”

These two in particular enjoyed the giant cinnamon rolls and gooey cream cheese frosting.

Girls after my own heart.

It was fun showing the kids my old stomping grounds on this trip.  After breakfast, we drove by the motel where I grew up (which yes I know sounds really weird), my old high school, even the old frozen yogurt store where I worked.  Which still happens to be there and still has the same orange “It’s Really Yogurt” sign in place.  Amazing, since so many other things have changed over the years.

Then it was back to the hotel for a little play time before packing up and moving on to Leg 2 of our trip.  These two didn’t go easy on me at all.  Especially that little one there.  Fierce.

They loved this giant chess/checkers set.

General horsing around, if you will.

Then they played a game for reals.  Twice.

There was intense concentration.  Daddy won the first game.

This was the thrill of victory when he won the second game.  Never mind that Daddy told him what move to make in order to get checkmate.  Minor details, man.
Allie my sweet.
Action shot taken by Daddy.  Although pictures sure can be deceiving- we all were very ungood at the badminton.  We blamed it on the windy conditions.
Then we checked out and hit the beach.  These two jumped into the water right away.
And stayed out there even after this happened.
He was torn.  Water or sand?  Water or sand?
Once again, sand prevailed.
With her too.
This time with him, too.  As he said, “I think I like our beach at home a little better.  I’m used to that one.  This one is a little new for me.”  Which is his way of saying he didn’t like feeling the little sand crabs digging around under his feet.  Can’t blame him, since that’s not exactly my favorite thing, either.
He wasn’t bothered by them at all.  Thought they were fascinating.
Apparently, neither was she.  Especially after I offered $10 to anyone who would pick one up.  I actually meant a live one though, not just the shell of one.  The look on her face after I clarified my meaning?  Pretty much the exact opposite expression you are currently looking at.
Will be back again with Leg 2!
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