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Vacation, Leg 3 (cont’d)

While we were away, the grandparents were keeping the kids plenty busy and entertained with a trip to the beach complete with In-n-Out for lunch, regular feedings of the goats outside, visiting Lily the dog, exploring and conquering a large rock pile, and you know, fun summer stuff with the g’rents.  Along with healthy doses of cartoon movie watching.  Can’t quite put my finger on why exactly, but they sure do love being at their grandparents’ house.  πŸ˜‰

So once again, my dad shooed the four of us away to go out and do something for the day.  They were planning to take the grandkids to this aircraft museum and “didn’t have time to hang around the boring old folks” as my dad put it.  So we found ourselves with one more day with free time on our hands (I love my kids’ grandparents).

What to do… what to do…

The four of us piled into J & J’s fancy new car and were off!  Was fun seeing these two up in the front seats again.  Just like old times.  Only it was Phil’s little white Saturn or James’ little black Honda back then.

At Mira’s suggestion, we ended up here.

Wow, that’s quite a ceiling.

Wow, that’s quite a dining table.

Wow, that’s quite a… lamp? sconce? holder of the light?

We headed outside and were amazed by the detail in everything.  Look, there’s even faces looking down at you from way up there.  Kinda freaky.

It was a lovely, albeit HOT, day.

A picture of James taking a picture of the lovely Jami.

Like I said before, it was HOT (Paso was 113 that day!), so some of us tried to cool off in the shade by the pool and thinking how nice it would be IN the pool.

While other of us attempted to find out for sure.

Since Plan A was most definitely frowned upon by the many security guards around us, this was his Plan B to cool off.

Silly my hubs.

Wow, that’s quite a view.

Wow, that’s quite a Roman pool.  Now, THIS pool would’ve felt good on such a hot day.

But it would have been such a shame to mar that beautiful reflection on the perfectly still water.

A beautiful castle to be sure, but still, there’s no place quite like home.  Which is where we were headed the next day since our vacation week was coming to an end.

But not without a quick stop in the Firestone Brewery first.  The guys were there to do a little beer tasting.  Jami and I were there to revel in the wonderful air conditioning.  Ahhhhhhhh…


And so ends one of my favorite vacation weeks ever.  Time to relax, time to have fun with the kids, time to get away for a bit, time to eat some really awesome food, and time to enjoy with our friends.  Thank you Lord, for vacations and providing us this time to truly enjoy some of your wonderful blessings.  It was refreshing indeed.

And THANK YOU, James and Jami for coming up to spend a few days with us.  We really loved having you guys there and hope we can do it again soon!

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  • Michelle

    Hi Joyce! Depends where down south you're headed. But def disneyland, maybe legoland? Aquarium? Beach! And lots and lots of good eats! Let me know if you want to know any specifics. πŸ™‚

  • Joyce (and Norm)

    I think we might buy the Citypass, which is what we did in Seattle. I'm not sure if the Aquarium is included in the SoCal Citypass, but we might have some time for that too. We are foodies, so definitely let us know of good kid-friendly places to go. We have Legoland tickets from our summer reading program, and will probably hit up Huntington Beach since Norm's cousin is there. I forgot about the beach since I'm not typically a beach person, unless in Hawaii. πŸ™‚

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