old blog

Post Script

I almost forgot the kids’ favorite part!

Grandpa had this set up in the garage when we got there.

Please notice the sign.  Spelling has never been my dad’s strong suit.  Then again, he spells way better in English than I can in Korean… or any other language for that matter.  :p  Allie noticed it right away but said, “No big deal, I can add the missing letters.”  And she did.  And I love everything about this sign.

The girls were pleased as punch with their very own tent.

There was also another sign for the boys on the table behind this tent along with another tent all ready to be set up.  But Grandpa hadn’t yet done it because he said he needed “Mikey’s help to build that one.”  (Read: teach Mikey how to put up a tent.)  But Grandpa was shirtless (because it was HOT) while they were setting up the boys’ tent so no pictures here of that (you’re welcome).

Mikey was pretty pleased with himself after putting together the boys’ tent.

Jonah, too.

After playing in their tents all afternoon, they decided they wanted to sleep in there, too!

All ready for bed…

Now they just needed to fall asleep.

It kind of took a while though.

Because sleeping in tents in the garage at Grandpa’s house is about the Best Thing Ever!

But they finally did manage to fall asleep and were up again at the crack of dawn.  Groan.

Which is why this kind of stuff only happens at Grandpa’s house.

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