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The Old Ballgame

Time for the Tsais (aka the Angels’ number one fans) to attend our once-yearly baseball game!  Woo!

(OK, so this might have taken place before school actually let out (it did) so technically doesn’t count as summer fun, but actually still does in my book.  Thankfully it’s never been about technicalities around here.)

Our Angels baseball game outing always begins with a stop at Sonic drive-in.  Because it’s sort of on the way.  And since it’s also sort of on the way on the way back, we stopped here again after the game for their 2-for-1 milkshakes.  This way we avoided paying $6 times 4 in order for each kid to have an ice cream at the game and instead only paid $3 times 2 in order for each kid to have a milkshake after the game.  I love math word problems.  (So not.)

In any case, we had a very happy camper on our hands.  Make that four.

And it was rally wig day!  Except the kids couldn’t be convinced to wear the rally wigs.  So we wore them and let them miss out on the fun.

The kids are still too young to be embarrassed by their parents but that day will soon be here.  I plan to be prepared.  (Mikey took this one and the one above.)

Jonna not happy with the rally wig.

In fact, Jonah wasn’t too happy with the crowd and the noise and didn’t get what all the fuss was about so he stayed like this for the first half of the game.

He’s rarely ever this cuddly anymore so I didn’t mind his staying parked on my lap one bit.

In spite of all my efforts to not buy anything at the game (see Mommy’s Milkshake Math above), they somehow still ended up with these.  I’m fighting a losing battle here, folks.

Because you see, he’s no match for two little daughters. 

He was already a goner the day the first girl was born.

See?  Goner.

This also happened that night.

Lost in a sea of rally wigs. Except for Jonah.

The final count.

So did the crazy Tsais and the rest of the crowd make it in to the Guinness Book of World Records?

We did!

She (and he) thought that was pretty cool.

And look, he finally warmed up to the whole baseball experience!

OK, so we only made it through the seventh inning stretch of what ended up being a scoreless game, but was still a whole lot of fun memories for us.

Thanks Angels and see ya next year!  :p

Here we are at last year’s game.  We didn’t make it the year before that since Jonah was just born and all.  But here’s the year before that.

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  • esther

    eugene and i were at that same exact game! unless they did the whole guinness world record thing more than once? it was the same night they had like a million girl scouts there, right?

  • Joyce (and Norm)

    How fun! We are headed to a game on Wednesday. I'm hoping we won't be suckered into buying anything besides garlic fries and nachos, because I'm always open to garlic fries and nachos. :p And hello? World record holders! :p

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