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The Dorm Lunch

Our sweet friend from church invited us to come have lunch with her in the UCLA dorms before she graduated.  A chance to visit our favorite college campus AND hang out with a super cool girl?  (Who I actually thought was already post-college as she seems so much more mature than I was, er, am now.  Ahem.)

Yes, please!

We got there a little early for lunch, but not quite early enough to do the errand Phil was hoping to do, so we did a little walking around first to see all the changes at our favorite Under Construction Like Always campus.

The brand new Pauley Pavilion.  I asked Mikey what he was doing.  He answered, “being cool.”  Uh, okay?

My kid who I happen to think is pretty dang cool without his even trying.  🙂

And this girl who fills up my whole heart.

Also this girl who is my whole heart.

“Really Daddy?  You can just take as many fries as you want when you come to college?!”  (I think the Freshman 15 is still a thing, isn’t it?)

Man, dorm food SURE HAS CHANGED since we were there (why I feel SO OLD??) and I’m thinking my “freshman 15” would’ve easily been “freshman 300” with all these food choices!  Jo Ana sent me links the night before to check out each dorm’s menu for lunch and each were completely different with THEMES and GENRES of food.  Wow, I was actually having a tough time deciding.  Pho! Mussels! Antipasto! White wine something!  We ended up choosing the one with the most kid friendly fare which suited our kids just fine.

Strawberry milk!

This guy, post chocolate milk.

After lunch, Auntie Jo Ana offered to show the kids what her dorm room looks like.  They were endlessly fascinated.

Thank you, Auntie Jo Ana for showing our kids a bit of the college life, the great lunch, and the even better company!

After we said our goodbyes so that Jo Ana could finish her last final (Eek! Sorry we took up so much of your study time!), we swung by the UCLA store so the kids could spend Their Very Own Money that they brought along.  Allie “accidentally” brought a $20 instead of a $10 and so got to upgrade her purchasing power.

It took a bit of time to figure out how much he needed Daddy to spot him.  Thankfully, our cashier was really nice and patient and said we were her favorite transaction of the day.  🙂

Thanks again for a great day, Auntie Jo Ana and UCLA!

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