old blog

The 4th

Very belated now, but better than never, maybe?

Our annual Old Navy flag t-shirt family pic.  Except I got excused from the flag part.

Phil thankfully had the day off, so we decided to spend it as a family day together.  It’s what often happens when both your parents are kinda introverts.  Ask Mikey, our resident extrovert.  He can tell you how it is.

We visited our town’s Fourth of July celebration/carnival/shindig and came across this flying bathtub ride.  Ask Allie, our resident thrill-seeker, how it was.  She’ll tell you she loved it and wanted to ride it again.  While Mommy was pretty much one and done.

Then came the giant slide, which they had always declined in years past at various carnivals and fairs.  This turned out to be the highlight of the day and they spent the rest of their ride tickets here.

Even the little guy was a fan.

Father, older daughter, youngest son.  All three had the same expression going down each time.

Again! Again! Again!

Unfortunately for him, we were out of tickets.  Fortunately for him, we stopped by 7-eleven for giant icees.  Also Trader Joes for stickers.  And a lollipop.

We were going to do the whole grilling thing for dinner but decided we were too tired.  So we let everyone pick out what they wanted to eat for dinner at TJs- cheese pizza for the boys, mac n cheese for the girls, and a salad, chips, and guac for the parents.

That night, we tried out a new spot for fireworks and had just concluded that it was kind of a bust.  Much to Allie’s disappointment.  But just as we were leaving, the fireworks display we thought we’d missed started up right in front of us.  So we plopped the kids on top of the car to watch.  Jonah was pretty much done by this point, though.

Allie, my fellow firework fan, was quite pleased with this arrangement.

They all were.  Except for our baby party pooper.

Hope your fourth was great too.  šŸ™‚

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