old blog

The Day She Turned Five

Like I said in the last post, we celebrated Lauren’s fifth birthday a week before her actual birthday.  That’s not to say we didn’t do a little somethin’ somethin’ on her actual day, though.

So this is what she looked like on the actual day she turned five.  Not too much different than the week before, if you ask me.  She picked out what she wanted to wear on her big day.  Even though we stayed home for most of it.

This is what she looked like when she spotted her daddy once he came home from work.  Standing next to the table with her birthday cake and presents. (Quick aside- wherever Lauren is, her pillow is sure to be underfoot. Unless it’s under her head.)

First a hug for her favorite guy in the whole wide world.  While eyeing her cake and presents.

I have no idea why he chose this as her birthday cake.  Other than it being the perfect size for the six of us.

This is when her daddy asked her how old she is now.

This is her watching her daddy’s silly antics.

This is her enduring us singing to her.

And blow!

Last one!

Well, at least he picked pink icing for the writing.  Still, I’m a bit…  ???

Fielding requests for certain parts of her birthday bird cake.

One last look before…

it was time to dive in.

And because she only turns five once, we let her and her sibs have cake before dinner.  Dinner that night was at Chuck E. Cheese.  Her choice.

Happy birthday, my little love. 

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